Cleaning up after a house party in your San Francisco home can be a challenge! Whether you’re just tidying up after a small gathering or have thrown a multi-day bash, there are a few key steps to take to make sure your home is back to its pre-party glory.
Table Of Contents
First – Music
First off, put some music on! Cleaning up after a party can be exhausting, so we gotta have that little extra push to keep our cleaning fire going.
Second – The Initial Sort Out
Get a plastic bag out, put all the trash in the trash and all the dishes beside the sink, and food in Tupperware and into the fridge.
Now you will see you will have a much better view of the actual cleaning that awaits you.
Third – Dishes
Put your dishes inside the dishwasher and get it started! Make sure to wash by hand those special dishes that cannot go in the dishwasher
Fourth – Surfaces
Go around the kitchen, dining room, and living room with an eco-friendly multi-purpose cleaning formula, and wipe down those dirty surfaces, making sure to put away all misplaced objects on top of those surfaces, such as candles, books, napkin boxes, etc.
Firth – Floors and Carpet
Be sure to vacuum and sweep the floors to get rid of crumbs and other debris. It is also important to mop hard surfaces and scrub down counters and other items in the kitchen to ensure that all food and beverage residues are completely removed. If you know how to steam-clean carpets or rugs, this is the time to do it! If you don’t have a steamer at home, use your vacuum cleaner and a carpet cleaning shampoo, to scrub any stains and spills.

Sixth – Furniture
Vacuum upholstery and cushions, spot clean stains, and wipe down tables. For deeper cleaning, use eco-friendly multi-purpose cleaner or upholstery shampoo for fabric, and an all-purpose cleaner for leather.
Seventh – Bathrooms
Bathrooms can house a variety of party messes, from spills and toiletries to clogged sinks and mangled toilet paper. Start by cleaning all bathroom surfaces with an all-purpose cleaner or multi-purpose cleaner, and pay special attention to sinks, toilets, and showers. If your toilets are clogged, use a plunger to clear them. To make sure your shower walls are looking top-notch after the party, scrub them down with a grout brush.
Eight – Bathroom Floors
Start by sweeping and vacuuming any carpets and rugs to get rid of dirt, crumbs, and other debris. Then move on to mopping and spot cleaning for a deeper clean, especially in high-traffic areas.
Ninth – Air Circulation
Finally, get some fresh air into your home. Open all the windows to air out any smoke or odors from the party. And remember to pick up leftover or broken party decorations, return items back to where they belong, or throw out unwanted items.
With these tips, you can make sure that your San Francisco home looks and smells just as it did before you threw the party. Have fun and enjoy the celebration – knowing that you can come home to a spotless house later!